Enhance Golf

A Cure for the Yips Ebook

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Conquer the Yips: Master Your Putting with Precision and Confidence

Embark on a transformative journey to conquer golf's most elusive challenge: the yips. Our comprehensive eBook, "A Cure for the Yips," offers an in-depth exploration into the psychological, technical, and emotional aspects of putting. Dive deep into strategies that address the yips from the ground up, blending personal reflections with expert insights to help you emerge more confident and consistent on the greens.

From mastering green reading and developing a solid routine, to fine-tuning your stroke mechanics and implementing effective drills, this guide covers all you need to overcome anxiety and build a resilient mental game. The book is structured to guide you through understanding and overcoming fear, enhancing your mental strategy, and translating practice into superior on-course performance.

Whether you're a seasoned golfer or new to the game, "A Cure for the Yips" is your essential guide to breaking free from this frustrating barrier. Discover practical tips, engage in targeted drills, and apply proven strategies to ensure your putting skills remain sharp and effective. Elevate your game and enjoy the greens with newfound confidence and skill. Unlock your potential and say goodbye to the yips today!

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Welcome to a journey designed to unravel and conquer one of golf's most challenging mental hurdles: the yips. This guide is more than a collection of tips; it's a comprehensive exploration into the very heart of putting challenges, offering insights, strategies, and personal reflections to transform your game. Putting demands a blend of mental strength, technical skill, and emotional equilibrium. Through this series, we delve into the depths of these aspects, equipping you with the knowledge to emerge more confident and consistent on the greens.

Our exploration is structured around understanding the yips, fortifying the mental game, mastering green reading, honing a solid routine, refining stroke mechanics, implementing effective drills, translating practice into performance, and ensuring ongoing skill maintenance.

Expectations play a crucial role in the onset and perpetuation of the yips in golf, stemming from the gap between a golfer's aspirations and their performance. This gap can create a cycle of anxiety and fear, particularly when golfers dwell on past mistakes or worry about the judgment of others. These pressures can make golfers lose focus on the present, undermining their ability to perform even simple putts. To overcome this, golfers must learn to let go of these external and internal expectations, focusing instead on the process of making a good stroke. This involves accepting that not every putt will be perfect and that the goal is to be in the moment, executing the best stroke possible under the circumstances. By shifting focus away from outcomes and onto the action itself, golfers can alleviate the mental burdens that contribute to the yips, fostering a more positive and present-minded approach to putting.

Confidence is pivotal in combating the yips, as it's deeply affected when golfers start doubting their ability to make putts. This lack of confidence can lead to rushed routines and strokes, in a futile attempt to escape the discomfort of anxiety. True confidence comes from an internal belief in one’s ability to execute a decent stroke, irrespective of the putt's outcome. Building this confidence requires a shift in mindset—from fearing the yips to acknowledging their presence as part of the game and focusing on the belief in one's ability to perform under pressure. This transformation empowers golfers to approach each putt with a calm conviction, anchored in the knowledge and practice of their skills, thus fundamentally altering their relationship with the yips.

Execution in putting is about transforming the act into a simple, repeatable motion, focusing on the process rather than the outcome. Golfers must practice and explore various techniques, grips, and putters to find what instills confidence. The heart of execution lies in a solid, unchanging routine for every putt, defining success not by making the putt but by the faithful enactment of the routine. This commitment demystifies the act of putting, emphasizing that a perfect stroke isn't necessary—just a decent attempt following the routine. Through consistent practice and adherence to this approach, golfers can shift their mindset to view putting as an easy task, thereby reducing the pressure and anxiety associated with it.

Navigating the Series:

  1. Understanding the Yips: Dive into the origins and psychological underpinnings of the yips, exploring personal experiences and the journey to awareness.
  2. Mental Side of Putting: Learn strategies to strengthen your mental game, manage pressure, and cultivate a positive mindset.
  3. Reading Greens with Confidence: Master the art of reading greens, enhancing your ability to predict and react to the ball's path.
  4. Routine: Develop a consistent, calming routine that aligns your mind and body for each putt.
  5. Hitting a Ball: Refine your stroke mechanics, focusing on fluidity, precision, and adaptation.
  6. Drills to Work On: Engage in targeted drills designed to build skill, confidence, and consistency.
  7. On Course Performance: Apply your skills and strategies in real-world scenarios, learning to navigate the emotional and psychological challenges of the game.
  8. Putting Maintenance: Ensure your putting skills remain sharp, adaptable, and resilient over time.

By intertwining expectations, confidence, and execution throughout this series, we'll embark on a transformative journey. Each section builds upon the last, creating a layered understanding that culminates in a comprehensive strategy to not just manage the yips but to transcend them, enabling you to approach each putt with clarity, confidence, and the joy of the game.


E-book is 24 pages long, written by plus handicap (sometimes scratch or a 1) Steve and is based on his personal experiences, and research. Once purchased, download link for a PDF file will be provided. E-book is copyrighted, Steve Jurken 2024. Feel free to share with friends and family as you see fit. If you're unsatisfied in any way, reach out for a full refund.